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Copenhagen’s Renaissance: The Birth of New Nordic Cuisine

In 1987, a Danish film that would become one of the great classics of culinary cinema was awarded by the Academy for Best Foreign Language Film: “Babette’s Feast”. In it, a refined French chef arrives in a primitive Danish village where they’re overcooking potatoes and cabbage, to teach them the secrets of haute cuisine. By […]

4 mins read

Lua: Crafting Mestizo Gastronomy in Donosti

I first met Aaron during those post-work conversations in a restaurant, where we’d gripe about everything that was going wrong. He’d often lament, “These kids in the kitchen don’t communicate with each other. They don’t make eye contact and say, ‘Let’s go to table three.’ And using a basting bottle for brown butter instead of […]

5 mins read

Vietnamese Flavors from Berlin to Paris

I’ve never been to Vietnam, and I don’t know any famous Vietnamese chefs, except for Nguyen Thi Thanh, the lunch lady. In Venezuela, I grew up around Chinese and Japanese people to some extent, but I don’t recall connecting with people or restaurants from other Asian countries in the ’90s and early 2000s. My only […]

5 mins read